
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chelsey"s weigh in..week something.

TOday Im...


I got a range from 186 to 189 today. But I most often got 187.5, so Im going with that.

Im hoping since the ranges are moving down my weight is moving down..Yesterday it said I was 185, but then I ate pizza for dinner. I hate how weight can fluctuate so much in one stupid day. It would ahve been neat to be 185, guess I shouldnt have cheated. It was DeLITe pizza though, if that counts for anything.

Sara Weekly Weigh-In

It's that time of the week again.

When I roll out the scale, hold my breath, and step up.

Okay, let's face it- I step on the scale every day so I can keep tabs on how I'm doing throughout the week.

Am I doing okay? Do I need to do more?

But I'm still always a little nervous, just hoping that the scale is nice to me.

And today it was!

Good scale!

That's a good boy.

But darn, still not quite to the 170's just yet.

But SOOOOO close!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I did it! - CHelsey

This morning, I ordered a new scale. And not just ANY scale, the EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale w/ Extra Large Backlit 3.5" Display and "Step-On" Technology
Supposedly this scale is so accurate you can go eat 6 oz of water and it will add 6 oz to your weight. It measures in 0.2 instead of 0.5's. I just have to wait 7 - 10 days to get it. And hopefully i will no longer have a scale that gives me 5 different reads!!!

...and hopefully when i get the new scale i don"t find I weigh even more!!!! yikes!

Oh, and I realized something this week. I thought Sara was kicking my butt, but wait a minute!!! I realized this competition is based on BMI points.. I was so excited! Until I realized she lost 2 BMI, and I've lost 1.

SARAS :32.2
MINE :28.7

So.. yeah.. Either way she"s kicking my butt. DANGIT!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week....I Can't Even Recall... - Sara

Yup, I don't have a clue what week we're on. I could go back and look it up but does it really matter?

Because either way it's weigh in time.

Here we go!

Am I surprised?


Can you say Valentines week?

That's right, this week I enjoyed chocolate cupcakes, oreo truffles, chocolate candies, and even dinner out.

With all of that, I paced myself and am happy that I at least maintained (for the most part).

Next week I'll aim for the 170s.

Gotta spank them pounds!

Its officially time...

For me to get a new scale. Here is my weigh in this week (And mind you thi was my first week back to dieting and working out)

FIrst time on the scale - 189.. YES! Thats what I wanted.

But then of course i have to test fate and get on again.
192.5 What?
Then again
191 OK....

Huh. I didnt change anything. I stood in the same position, with the same stance. What the heck??
SO I'm going to go ahead and say my first is accurate??? And next weekend I"m going scale shopping. Mine is my dads old scale, which he threw out because he didnt think it was accurate...Maybe he was right.

Also, I took m,y calendar in my dining room and in Bright Red ink wrote every Sunday what weight I need to be to reach my goal in august. I need to be down 1 lb a week. Not so bad! THis week my goal on the calendar was 192.5, so Whichever weigh in is correct, it works!

Now to avoid the twinkies in my fridge...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Literally. These program is insane. After I get through the warm up, I want to pass out and puke everywhere. So basically, I have yet to get past the warm up. Maybe that should be my goal. But here are my results from my fit test, and in two weeks, I will try again!

Switchkicks 56
Powerjacks 23
Power Knees 53
PowerJumps 35
Globe Jumps 8
Suicide Jumps 14
Plank obliques 40

Ok. Only thing stopping me is a toddler who doesn't take long naps and feels the need to come sit on me while working out. IN two weeks, I will try these again and see if I've gotten any more fit.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I bet you're all thinking I gave up...I bet you all think I couldn't handle the competition. Pshaw. Well, stop your worrying, becasue I"m back in business.

And I have a confession. THese past two weeks..I haven't worked out at all *GASP*, I also haven"t dieted at all *GASP GASP* It's been a slightly stressful two weeks with a very upset toddler who was not happy to have surgery. And a slightly stressful two weeks wondering how we are going to pay for it all.

SO.... I'm not going to weigh in until next week. I honestly think if I weighed myself right now jsut to find out I gained weight,it would depress me and make me not want to try anymore. SO instead I"m starting fresh. No more snacking, no more cinnamon rolls, and no more eating out. ANd more exercise!

And also I"m finally including a little thing called "INSANITY"

I can already tell I"m not going to like it. I just started the fit test...which includes I think 10 excercises you go through and do as fast as you can for a minute and write down how many you did. I did the first 3, and I wanted to throw up. SO I"m taking a break. I will finish them all by tonight and let you know how many i could accomplish. The point is that every two weeks you take the test again and see how you have improved. Phew. If I am at 189 again by Sunday, I"m a freaking happy camper.

I have 24...think....weeks left until the big day. So if my calculations are correct, To get down to 160, I need to lose 1.25 lbs a week. Ok... Awesome. I can do this.

BUT, I NEED MORE SUPPORT!!! Everyone here is rooting for Sara, so unfair. Expecially since I don't want her to win. I love her... But I love winning too.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 11 Results - Sara

This is, by far, the longest I have ever stuck with a weight loss plan.

And it is totally paying off!

I am hoping to be in the 170's next week.

How sweet would that be?!?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Be Inspired!

Get Inspired!

One of my most favorite blogs to read is Making Things Happen.

I love it.

I can't thank the wonderful ladies on this site enough for their daily inspirational posts.

They inspire me to want to change, to be better, to be the best ME that I can be.

But they do even more than that.

They inspire me to

And the advice I find there can be translated into so many different aspect of life.

Health. Family. Relationships. Work. Personal Wellness.

So go out, get inspired, and start working hard to make things happen!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 10 Results - Sara

Okay, I mentioned this yesterday, so it is probably no surprise to you.

But here's my proof!


And, in fact, I hardly worked out at all this week because I was sick most of the week.

Although I'm definitely planning to get back to it ASAP. I just feel so much lazier when I don't get a workout in. I like feeling productive, like I've accomplished something.

But luckily for me, I still had a productive week weigh-wise.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

2 Month Update

It's that time of the month again for my monthly picture update.

Starting weight: 197.8
Current weight: 183.4 (as of this morning)

That's down approximately 14 pounds in 2 months, baby!

Slow and steady wins the race.

I can practically smell that money ;)

And here's my comparison views.

Progression Front View:

Progression Side View:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Must Read

For all women, especially!

Head on over to Beauty Redefined and read THIS article. It gives some great insight on "healthy" weight and BMI.

It definitely gives me a new perspective as I continue on my weight loss journey. I'm so grateful that I'm taking the time to do it the right way so that I can gradually develop healthful habits, rather than simply worrying about a number on the scale.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Routine

One word: ROUTINE

"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine." Mike Murdock

Okay, okay. I know we've all heard it before.

And guess why that is.

Because it works!

For me, I have to work out first thing in the morning. The more I put it off, the more I convince myself that I'm too tired, too busy, just don't wanna, etc.

And so we have our routine down.

1. Get the kids up.

2. Feed the family.

3. 1/2 hour of cartoons for little man.
-This is when I prep for my workout: I make sure Lil' Miss is comfy in her swing, the dogs are settled, Little Man has a cartoon ready in his room and has gone potty (so he has no excuses to interrupt me), and I change my clothes and gather any materials I may need.

4. Workout

5. Shower

6. Start the rest of the day

I have found that if I have a solid routine, the whole family knows what to expect and, except for the occasional hiccup, things run quite smoothly.