
Monday, March 28, 2011

Where have I been? - Chelsey

I bet you're all wondering what happened.. again. Well, this is what happened. IM FREAKING FRUSTRATED AS HELL!!! Is that good enough for you??? I only eat 1200 or less calories a day, I have my protien, and I work out an hour every day. And have I lost any weight? NO!!! And have I gained any weight? YES! 3 lbs!!!

I just dont understand. what the HELL is wrong with my stupid body. Ive done this diet before and lost 13 lbs in one wekk, but this time my body just wants to stay the same. I can eat like a freaking pig and be lazy as heck and not gain.. Or I can excercise and eat healthy and not lose.

Bu thten talking to my darling sister in law, Michaela, she pointed out maybe its because of my birth control. What? I thought that was a lame excuse girls made up when they gained weight. COuld it be true?? we"ll see. I did some research and here is what people have to say :

"Ok, I have had Mirena for 2 years now after having a baby. I'm maintang my weight also but cannot seem to loose any weight either. I have 15 lbs still to shed from having a baby but nothing, excercise, diet pills. I'm frustrated too!
I 've had the IUD since 2006 after my first child. I am so frustrated with not losing any weight, but I am not gaining weight either! I have been the same weight since I got the IUD. I thought it was only me , but turns out it's happening to a lot of us! I plan on getting ride of it to see if I lose weight or not. "

"That is exactly the same thing I have experienced. I have had my Mirena for about 2yrs now & my weight has stayed constant. When I first got it, I was a stay at home mom. Now, I work at a health club, eat WAY healthier, eat less, & exercise at least 3 times a week....nothing! My weight will fluctuate 2-3 pounds, but that's it"

Even a doctor said this"The objective is simple: lose fat and get lean. The IUD has been clearly shown in making your body resistant towards weight loss. Discuss the options with your physician.
Obtain all the facts, including the fact that using oral contraceptives will likely result in weight gain, too. And last, but not least, you might consider the other individual using a contraceptive. In my opinion, however, the only solution is to have the device removed.

So. TOmorrow. Im going to the doctor, and removing my IUD.. Has anyone else had these problems??? Heres hoping myt body kicks back into its normal gear fast. I only got 4 months.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sara's Weekly Weigh-in

Geez, the weeks just seem to fly by sometimes.

But last week I made a promise.

I told you that you could bet your sweet bippy on it.

That's some pretty serious stuff right there. :)

And how did I do?

I did freakin' awesome!!

If only I could imagine a lifestyle with no sweets, I would lose weight like crazy.

Too bad that's unrealistic. For me.

I've just got to set restrictions and stick to them.

But I don't like the word restrictions. It sounds....well....restricting.

I'm going to go with boundaries instead.

I need to set boundaries and then abide by them.

Ah, much better.

Boundaries, here I come!

Thanks to you, boundaries, this week I can rejoice in not losing any ground in the grand scheme of things.

P.S. Pay no heed to the big chunk of hair under the scale. Uber gross! I apologize. I'm in the just-had-a-baby hair loss stage. *sigh* It's everywhere.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sara's Weekly Weigh-In

Hey, why is it that the last thing on here was my last weekly weigh-in?

Where is Chelsey?

Has she given up?

Does that mean I win by default?

Furthermore, I just want to throw out there that I wanna see an updated picture from her.

And a scale pic too...just to make sure she's really achieving all she claims.

That's right, I said it.

I want proof, sister!

And most of all, I want you all to focus your attentions on Chelsey for a moment so that you don't see this...


Am I proud of this?


Did I give 100% this week?


Am I happy with letting this get away with me, even for a week?


Will I do better this week?

You bet your sweet bippy!

As penitence for my complete and utter slackerness I have decided to give up sweets for the week.

I deserve it after all of the indulging I did.

And by the way, excessive indulging is not as fun as it seems like it would be. If you have stopped eating a lot of junk and try to go back to eating a lot of junk you feel quite sick.


So fooey on you sweets. Go away. I've got some serious ground to gain back!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sara Weekly Weigh-In

Time to weigh-in again.

This week went by super fast. I swear I just weighed in, like, 2 days ago. But before I knew it, it was Saturday and I was thinking, "Have I done enough?"

We'll see...


I guess it was enough. Which is interesting, because I was a bit of a slacker this week.

Not an utter slacker, mind you. But I did miss a workout and perhaps ate my fill of oreo truffles one day.

So I'm not sure how... but yay for me!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Suggestion

So you want a good workout, eh?

Well, I have one word for you.


Oh my goodness, do I love Zumba. I had heard people raving about how fun it was so my friend, Jen, and I found a local class at Starlet Dance Studio. It was priced reasonably and not too far from where we live.

Last week we went for our first Zumba experience.

It. was. amazing.

Not only tons of fun if you like to dance (I seriously had a big ol' goofy grin on my face the whole time) but it is an excellent workout.

At one point I was tired and running out of breath and was thinking it may be close to over so I glanced at the clock. Nope! I had only been going 25 minutes and it was an hour long class!

I kid you not, by the end I was dripping with sweat.

I told myself it was not the gross kind, but the sexy, spritzed body, damp hair, healthy glow look.

Yeah...we'll go with that.

Anyway, if you have a local place that offers it I definitely suggest trying a Zumba class.

(I also hear the video games are rather enjoyable)

Plus, it's just fun to say.

Zumba! Zumba! Zuuuuuuummmmmbbbbbaaaaaa!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday Tip: No Family Style Meals

It has been awhile since I shared a tip.

Sorry about that.

So here's a good one that's worked for me.

Stop serving meals family style.

I know.

I worked hard on that meal. Maybe even spent a significant amount of time thinking of it, planning it, and preparing it.

I'll admit, I want to display it.

It's picturesque, sitting there in the middle of the table, hot, fresh from the oven, sitting in it's pretty little serving dish.

It looks fabulous!

And that's exactly the problem.

As it sits there, I can't help but look at it and think of how good it looks. As I polish off the last couple of bites I start feeling remorse because I see all that food still sitting there and I think of how good it tastes.

Just a small spoonful more, I tell myself. I am still a little hungry.

But the fact is...I'm really not. My tastebuds simply want more flavor. And it's just sitting there, a simple arm reach away. It's just too easy for me to give into temptation and take more.

And so I stopped serving meals that way. Now our meals stay on the stove. I'll dish myself up there, following the correct portion size recommendations, and then take my plate to the table.

I'm no longer as tempted to take seconds because I have to get up and go over to dish them.

And yes, I'm just that lazy. If it takes extra work to get more, I'm simply much less likely to do it.

Give it a try this week! It may just work for you too.

Sara - 3 Month Update

I realized this morning that I haven't done my 3 month picture update yet.

Since my hubby was gone and I didn't want to wait, I set the camera on the table and snapped a few quick pics before my workout class.

Here I am 3 months ago.

And today, 20 lbs down!

My progression - front view

My progression - side view

I can't thank you all enough for your endless support! You help keep me going everyday!

I couldn't do it without you.



Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chelsey Weigh In

It came, it came it finally came!!!

Let me explain.
I"m sitting on my couch, wondering what the day will hold when I see the mailman run to the door and drop off a package!
For me? I asked, and swiftly ran in greeting to the gift in cardboard. I unwrapped it with mighty spped and stoos in awe at it's prettiness. SO shiny, so glassy, so NEW!
Then I ran to the bathroom, set it on the floor, and decided to try something. I hopped on my old scale. blink...blink...blink....BAM! it showed me my weight. I hopped on my pretty shiny new thing and BAM! Immediatly I see my weight...Wait a minute. THis couldn't be right. This could NOT happen to me! SO then I jusmp from old sclae to new scale about five times and I realize...My old scale was lying to me. Not only did it never give me the same weight twice in a row (which thankfully the new scale has NEVER altered it"s original decision) but it was playing a mean trick. It was making me think I was thinner than I really was. It was trying to beguile me and gain my trust and friendship by giving me a false sense of thin-ness and security.

Old scale weight: 187
New scale weight: 192

But THAT was Monday. And after wanting to take a hammer to my new scale and throw it out the window, I decided there was only one thing to do. Beat my old sclae at it"s game. SO I worked...hard...and I ate...nothing (Not really, just was hungry ALOT)

SO my weigh in:

And while that might look like only 0.1 lb lost since last week, in reality its almost 5 pounds gone in a week!!! YAY!!!! Now I just can"t lose my momentum. Watch out Sara.

Sara Weekly Weigh-In

Happy weigh-in day!

And I do mean...


I don't know if I can explain how ecstatic I am this morning!

I love having a good weigh-in day.

And I haven't seen the 170's since I was married. Just 8 more pounds and I'll be down to my goal and my wedding weight.

Happy, happy, joy, joy!!