
Monday, December 5, 2011

Weigh In

Today I am still at 192. So that's good, I guess. Not down, but not up.

I did fairly well at attaining my goals. I exercised, I drank more water. I didn't do so great on the treats portion, but at the very least I was moving to help out with those.

I definitely have more goals for this week which I will share a bit later. :)


Jodi said...

Can't wait to see your goals! I'm wanting to lose 20 pounds before the new job starts, so I gotta get my butt in gear. I told Dan I was going to the gym after work so he couldn't be all loveable and make me want to come home right away. I suggested he say things in the morning like "Have a good day fatty", so this morning he woke me up with "good morning chunkers!" Hahahahaha!! I about died. So day 1 will most likely be a success. Now if only I could somehow stay away from all the office treats...Love you! Stick with it, and make one good choice at a time.

Sara said...

Go Jodi! It's very nice of Dan to insult you on demand. LOL He sounds very accommodating. ;) The office treats would be a killer. My problem is the treats around my house. I don't want to cut them out completely (no fun for the kids) but they call my name. Oh, do they call my name!