
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chelsey - Weekly weigh In and update


Second Off, my weight today was 182.0 So I have gained 4 lbs since my last post I believe. I am now almost 17 weeks, and feeling good. In a way I wish I was back to feeling sick and having everything sound unappetizing because now..i want to EAT! All of the time! And not apples, or oranges. NO, give me a big juicy bacon cheese burger baby! It's a really good thing we are broke and can't afford to go out to eat, or that is what I would be eating EVERY DAY!

In other news, I went to the doctor yesterday and she put me on a diet. WHAT?? I was shocked! I know a person who was 260 lbs and 5'3" and didn't get put on a diet while pregnant. I realize I might be 22 lbs more than I was before I had Brynlee...but I didn't think I was all that bad. But according to my BMI of 27, I am in the Overweight Category. But looking at the chart, I kinda think its a little crap. At my lowest I was 155, and I was pretty damn thin, and Im positive I couldnt have been any thinner without looking anorexic. And that barely qualified me as Healthy. I have pictures..I can prove it. I was moer prone to be around the 160-165 range before I had Brynlee...And that puts me in the OVERWEIGHT category. What?? I was a size 6. If a size six is overweight, just shoot me now! Anyways. I needed to rant that. So Im only supposed to eat 1800 calories a day and be counting. So I will try. But not this weekend. I do believe I will start on Monday. It's Thanksgiving for Goodness sake!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Thanks Chey! A diet, of course, couldn't hurt - it'll only make you healthier. I don't think you should have to worry about it too much, but it can really only help you. You're going to be such a sexy momma! ;)