50/10s by Moms With Cameras.
She was talking about how she finds herself most productive if she splits her work time into 50/10s per hour. In other words, she'll work for 50 minutes and then do 10 minutes of cleaning or playtime with her kids. Giving herself a bit of a break and refreshing her view.
I know she was talking about work. But I found myself thinking, "Self, what if I put this into effect regarding exercise?"
And so I put it to the test. 50 minutes of everyday life, then 10 minutes of exercise.
I set specific guidelines for my 10 minutes. Writing them out. Because if I write them out, then they are real rules and less un-bendable (at least in my mind).
- I will set a timer (so that I don't declare myself "close enough")
- I must move constantly for the 10 minutes.
- At least 3 of my 10 minute increments must be cardio based
- Complete at least 6 50/10s per day.
So far it seems to be going well. Many times I just include the my kids and they think it's a fun game of Simon Says.
Plus, 10 minutes of constant moving is a long time (especially for the cardio). I am always sweating and out of breath by the end of my 10 minutes.
Here's a quick list of exercises I've tried so far:
- dancing
- running in place
- mountain climbers
- burpees
- frog leaps
- high knees
- boxing punches (no...I would never let you watch me do these...)
- kicks
- walking lunges
- crunches
- push ups
- planks
- jumping jacks
- weight lifting
- squats
- reverse sit-ups
If you think of any great ones, add them in the comments. I could totally use a few new ideas.
Plus, I found this on Pinterest and thought I'd share. (No direct link, so I'm not sure where it came from.)
I should totally hang this on my fridge...

Love it! Should implement a 60/10 myself, to get my bum off the computer. :) Best of luck!
Great idea!! I have had such a hard time setting aside a block of time to exercise each day. I love the idea of doing 6 10-minute exercise periods. I'll have to give it a try!
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