
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Picture Update

Eeps! I missed my picture update near the beginning of the month.

Oh well, now is as good of a time as any!

My hubby took these pics for me today.

In my NEW jeans!


I had been wearing a size 18, and let me tell you, they were getting pretty baggy and rag-a-muffinish. So we went jean shopping yesterday. I was thrilled to find that I could squeeze into a size 12! I selected this size 14 instead because I thought the fit was more flattering.


I was ecstatic!!

Yay for new, smaller jeans!

Here's my progression so far:


Abbey said...

Sara you look great!! When is your weight loss deadline?

Sara said...

Thanks! It's the first of August. So I still have a little time. :)

Little Yancey Family said...

Woo hoo girl You look fabulous. Ryan even gave a Wow nice! And compliments make him uncomfortable so you know he really means it! ;)

Alexanders said...

You look great! What an awesome jean shopping experience!