
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is sleep loss a factor??? - CHELSEY

I don't know if you know this, but I have a 15 month old who is the world's worst sleeper. Literally. Not just she wakes up once or twice a night. She wakes up 5- 10 times a night, and sometimes is up from 30 minutes to 2 hours. And it's not a whine you can sleep through. Its thrashing, and whining, and pouting, and awful. I've been up since 3 am this morning. Yesterday I was up from 1 to 4 am. On an average night I get 3-5 hours a sleep. Never more, sometimes less. And naps during the day? HA! SHe will sleep maybe 20 minutes to 40 minutes...and I have stuff to get done. We visited the doctor this week and we have an appointment with a specialist in two weeks. They are thinking maybe her tonsils and adnoids are too big thus preventing her from breathing well, making her wake up alot (Last time they thought it was bad allergies so prescribed her a big dose of benedryl every night, it didnt help, and if benedryl doesnt knock her out, there must be something wrong)SO she will need those removed.
Anwyho, the whole point of this is I was watching Dr. OZ, and he said if you don't get 7-8 hours of sleep a night you won't lose weight. WHAT?!?! DOes this mean I'm screwed and can work as hard as I want, but tough luck for me?? GOd, I hope he is wrong. But other people say it too says:
There really is nothing better than a good nights sleep! After you wake up from a deep restful sleep, your mind seems clearer, your body feels better and even your day seems to go better. Well, your not just imagining it…it’s true. Your body’s chemistry is greatly affected by sleep. In fact sleep plays a vital part in managing your body’s hormones…the same hormones that also control your metabolic processes responsible for weight loss. Believe it or not, sleep plays a huge part in weight loss. Numerous studies have found a direct correlation between weight gain and lack of sleep. Depriving yourself of adequate sleep can alter your hormones and make losing weight much more difficult than it should be.

“Sleep loss disrupts a complex and interwoven series of metabolic and hormonal processes and may be a contributing factor to obesity,” says John Winkelman, MD, PhD, medical director of the Sleep Health Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

The major hormones disrupted by sleep deficit are leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, insulin and growth hormone. All of these hormones play a key role in weight loss and maintenance through controlling appetite, cravings and dictating metabolic rates of sugar and fat.

Huh...That sucks. I wish I could make a goal to sleep more, but that's really not in my control. Guess I will work twice as hard and hope to God something happens.


Sara said...

First of all, that really stinks! I hope that the specialist can help you diagnose the problem so that it can be fixed. Poor Brynlee can't be feeling too great either if she's not getting sleep.

Secondly, although it may be a big factor remember, I have a newborn too and am up every 2 hours at night so I don't get much sleep either. The only plus for me is my newborn is relatively new and I haven't been missing sleep for over a year. You may have to team up with Austin a bit to get a little rest. That's what Nate and I do, since I'm up with her at night- whenever Nate is home I give her to him for an hour or two so that I can go sleep. Tag team Austin when he's at home and get yourself some rest, girlie! It's not 7-8 hours in a row, but it will help.

Little Yancey Family said...

Ack I remember having that lack of sleep problem bad with Bella when she was younger. Ryan and I tag teamed it too and survived, actually we still do because it's not uncommon to get up 4 times a night between the 2 kids, but it's usually just a quick tuck in or chasing monsters away.

Not sure about weight loss specifically but lack of sleep just messes with everything especially will power. Good luck! I feel bad for ya and Brynlee. Hope both of your problems get solved soon.