
Sunday, June 3, 2012

<---- Lookie here!

Did ya ladies see that I have now officially placed you on our "weigh ins" tab on the side?


You're official.

Don't you feel special?

Well, ya should. 

I mean, that took, like, 5 whole minutes of my time.


And I did it JUST FOR YOU!

This is our first week.  Start slow.  Make your goals.  Little steps can make a big difference!

We will do weekly weigh ins on Sundays starting next week, June 10th.

You can either e-mail me (Sara) or message me on FB each week.

Plus, feel free to add any words of wisdom or tell everybody what has been working for you (and what HASN'T, for that matter).

Now get to work and show those pounds who is boss!

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