
Monday, May 21, 2012

Is This What You're Scared Of?

For those of you joining in our weight lost challenge, just be warned that we are planning on sharing all before and after photos right here on the blog.

Does that terrify you?

It doesn't?

Because it totally freaks me out.

But it's also good for me.

Keeps it real.  Keeps me honest.

Sharing makes me WANT to be accountable and show that I can work hard and make a change.

So be brave.  Take a leap.  Put yourself out there.

We won't judge, we promise. 

And we'll be here for you.  Every step of the way.

And honestly, if you are truly terrified and would prefer that we DON'T share your images, I can respect that.  Just let me know in your entry e-mail.

But here's my leap.  My starting photo and weight.

(Eeek!! Be kind.)

In case you can't tell, that number up there is a 207.


Higher than the last time that I started.

I can't believe what a circle I've gone in. 

Apparently this time I need to focus on KEEPING my healthy habits in place.


Anonymous said...

You are so brave and I am so proud of you. I haven't been scared off, infact, i've also circled around and must begin again. I'll post a picture and weight too.

Chrissy said...

Cute toes! I wish I was at 207.....after you see mine you will see yours is not do bad ;)