
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January Weigh-In | Sara

The holidays are over.

Our decorations are safely stored once again.

Our company has left.

We are back to our usual routine.

And it's time to face reality.

This morning I went and worked out, came home, and weighed myself.

I currently weigh 198.6.

(I'm just keeping it real here, folks.)

After weighing myself I promptly handed the scale to The Hubster and told him to go hide it and not bring it out again until February.

Am I hiding from the terribleness that is my weight?


I'm really not.

I have just decided not to focus or obsess over my weight this month.

Instead, I am going to focus on healthy living.

Am I getting enough sleep?
Am I drinking enough water?
Am I eating appropriate portions?
Am I balancing my meals?
Am I moving every day?
Am I being productive?
Am I ridding my days of time-wasters?
Am I spending a little time each day focusing on me?

I feel as though I need to get some balance in my life first.

I need to be well-adjusted. Centered. Balanced.

Am I hoping that I'll lose weight in the process?


I'm not crazy, that is my overall goal.

I just have to straighten out a few other things first.


Jodi said...

Aw Sara I'm sure that dumb old number was disappointing. I probably would have thrown the scale out the window! Or gone Office Space on that mofo! Just keep at it and we will all be just fine! You have inspired a bunch of us with your honesty, and putting together that facebook group was genius! Much love to you girly!! We're all behind you!

Sara said...

Haha! Thanks, Jodi. I loved the reference to Office Space. I'd love to take it out on the scale. I'm so glad we have others joining us. It'll make it :) Or at least enjoyable.