
Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Mountains

Ah, just another manic Monday.

Our first week has come and it is filled with potential. I have a whole week before me to make the right choices. But let's be honest, I also have obstacles that will attempt to stand in the way of achieving my goal.

So I figure now is a good time to identify one of my obstacles and determine how I will try to overcome it.

For my first obstacle I was going to choose "having kiddos". No matter how much I love my little darlings, they can definitely be an obstacle to losing weight. But as I thought on it, I realized that it was far too broad of a category. While brainstorming I thought of at least 10 obstacles that come from having kids.


Let's narrow it down a bit.

Obstacle #1: Being Postpartum
- I have a newborn and I'm breastfeeding. This makes me hesitant to really start restricting my diet. With little sleep and extra energy needed, I want to make sure my calories stay high enough.

Possible Solutions:

1. Count calories
- I thought of this first thing. But the problem is that I know myself too well. I have neither the energy, time, patience, or desire to count calories. No thank you!

2. Make smarter food choices
- This I can do. Instead of grabbing fruit snacks or m&ms as a snack, I can choose apples or string cheese. Much more nutritious!
Can do!

3. Add some light exercise.
- It is already my goal to go out walking at least 5 times this week. Hopefully that helps kick-start my metabolism just a bit.
Can do!

And now my Monday is more than halfway over and I'm on my way to climbing my mountains.
Feel free to comment if you have any other ideas on overcoming my Monday mountains.

Then get out and spank those pounds!!


Little Yancey Family said...

I think your obstacle is wonderfully identified I was concerned with that myself when I was pregnant, but then I realized there's plenty of ways to get enough calories without overkilling my carbs. I have complete faith in you. We all know you're stronger than I am. :) Some of my favorite snacks: grapes, dried apples, baby carrots, pecans, and 12 wheat thins (from when I actually had to count.) :) Drink a glass of water before a meal and eat slowly. Annoy Nate by talking between each bite to slow you down. LOL! If I'm annoying you with my "help" you can ignore me or even tell me. It's okay. Good luck this week!

Sara said...

Oh, Rach, I love your help and input always! Plus, this is super helpful! I'm sure Nate will enjoy the extra conversation because I am truly that much fun to listen to. Hehe! And I highly doubt I'm stronger than you- you're already doing it. :)

Chelsey said...

ok. One so called obstacle that is unfair: You are breastfeeding. That burns an extra 500 calories a day... I would have to run miles in order to burn that much. You can just sit there... Disadvantage to me!

Sara said...

Don't worry, Chey, I have plenty of other obstacles. I just meant that I can't restrict my intake as much as you could. But yes, it does help that it also burns calories, a definite bonus that I'm not complaining about. :)