I have absolutely no problem thinking of a mountain to overcome this week. And I honestly have no great solution, so your input is greatly appreciated (read: needed!).
The obstacle?? A clingy 2 year old.
Okay, so the baby I can put to sleep and place in her swing. Easy peasy!
But the 2 year old? Fuhgettaboutit!
He HATES when I exercise. And I have no idea why he suddenly becomes a cling monster. Usually he wants little to do with me, he's quite independent. But the moment I turn on that video and start to march in place it's like I suddenly have a gravitational pull.
Oh wait! Perhaps, concerning my current weight, I should seriously consider that gravitational pull thing...
*ahem* Moving on...
The antics he pulls are as follows:
- "Mom, hold me!" Repeated while clinging to my leg.
- Throwing stuff at me or on the floor next to me (makes it hard to move)
- Screaming really loudly to get my attention
- Laying down at my feet (again with the movement thing)
- Telling me constantly that he has to poo (because he knows it gets my attention)
Seriously, he is acting out about me getting up and moving. WHY oh WHY?!
I have tried setting him up with a movie and a special snack. It lasted approximately 1 minute (until the snack was gone). And anyway, it's probably not good for me to feed my kiddo junk as I try to lose weight.
I also tried getting him involved and dancing with me. He will...for about 30 seconds and then he wants me to hold him.
He likes going out for walks, but it's honestly a little boring for me and a lot of work to get out the door. I don't want to have to do that every day.
Any suggestions?? Please, oh, please!
Even as I write this - I just finished exercising and he immediately took himself off to watch his movie.
I sometimes have this problem. Here's a few things I've done. first of all hubby and I both made it clear that Jaden is too big to hold and we never pick him up anymore (I think we started this when he was about Zsolt's age. Because we carried baby Bella he wanted to be carried everywhere. So I don't have to worry about that one anymore, but the other's are trickier. For awhile I told Jaden it was "quiet time" and he had to stay in his room and play without bugging mommy. That worked for awhile, but now I pretty much tell him that if he's good he gets to play on the wii fit when I'm done, if he's naughty he doesn't. this keeps him pretty good, but he's a bit older than Zsolt so that may not work as well for you. This is still the hardest part for me too. Good luck!
Sara, what with our sons only being a couple months apart in age, I so hae the same problem. I actually bought a child door proofer and put it on the INSIDE of his door so he can't get out until I go and get him. It's how I trained him to sleep at night in his big boy bed so I wouldn't be up all night with wired nerves on fire waiting for him to come and get me a millio times in the middle of the night.
I still use it, even though he's been sleeping in his be for awhile now. Leave Zsolt in his room iwht lots of toys and a sippy cup of water. he'll scream and scream, which will increase yur heart rate, which is goood for your exercise but he'll eventually learn that it's his own personal playtime in his room while mommy gets some much needed workout time. Zsolt is still very little and teaching him things is still diffecult, but he'll learn. Just be super patient ans hold him a love him extra when you let him out of his room if you do this. It's been a great training tool for me. I think the time to take the door knob protector off is coming soon though b/c baby needs to learn to share a room. *sigh* (Wish me luck. I'm doing it over the break so lars can help me.) I'd suggest trying this for a matter of a couple weeks before giving up. Consistancy. Boys are stubborn! Good luck in whatever you do!
It is so nice to know that my kid isn't the only one. I'm curious as to what causes them to be so jealous of workouts? Thanks so much for the advice ladies! I will keep trying.
Will he maybe do the video with you?? I've seen sesame street work out videos before that you could do together. It may sound silly but they actually are a pretty good cardio work out!
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