
Monday, April 1, 2013

The Power Of Habit

Last week I posted this link on our Spank the Pounds Facebook page.  I follow this blog, Afford Anything, regularly and while it is, in fact, about finances, the author made a great point concerning food consumption and habits.

I found this rather interesting.  What habits were causing me to eat more sweets?  You should all know by now that sweets are my big temptation.

For the last week I decided to track my habitual cues every time I craved something sweet.  I found that most of my factors also fluctuated, but the factor that was most consistent for me was preceding action.  Here are the top three things that signal sweet time to me:

Spying Sweets. This was a big one.  Every time I walked into the kitchen or opened a cupboard and saw something sweet, I instantly thought, "Oooh, that sounds yummy."  I also found Pinterest to be a big pitfall because I cannot seem to log on without spotting a delicious dessert of some kind or another.  The solution?  Stop keeping sweets readily available.  (And maybe un-follow a few Pinterest boards.)

Completing meals.  I can definitely see the habit in this.  Our family consistently has a "treat" after almost every meal.  My sister-in-law once remarked to me that her family never had treats so regularly and, once she married my brother, she found it easy to fall into desiring a treat after every meal.  It's now a habit.  The solution? Find another, healthful option to signal the end of meal-time.  Perhaps some fruit?

Putting the kids to bed. Hmmmm, treats are apparently my way of finishing things up. In this case, it is a reward for a job, well...done.  Once the kids are in bed, I want to relax and do something for me.  The solution?  Once again, find another, healthful option to signal I'm done for the day.  Maybe a short round of yoga?  Some cold cucumber water?  Warm milk with a bit of honey?

This was an interesting exercise for me.  I have identified my own personal triggers and can now hopefully come up with some solutions that will help me form new habits.  I will have to think more on the actual habits I want to replace sweets with.  In the meantime, I think I will take myself off to the library and check out Charles Duhigg's book for more information.


Sage said...

Pinterest is a big trouble maker. Months ago I unfollowed any food related boards. World of difference!

Jodi said...

I want to check this book out too! It's been on my list since your last post. I wonder if it helps you create good habits as well as get rid of the bad ones?

Sara said...

Sage, I just went and did that myself. I figure if I need a great recipe, I can search for it.

Jodi, I hope so too! That's why I want to read it.