
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Goal

We made it!!

Chelsey's wedding was a couple of weekends ago.

Congratulations Chey!!!

She is now a married lady.

And she looked SO fabulous for her wedding.

While at her wedding location, we compared weights and discovered that we were both right around 175.

We decided it was too close to call an official winner.

We were both equally awesome and we did a happy dance to celebrate our amazingness.

Go us!!

And then I did it. I messed up.

BIG time.

I've reached my goal. I told myself. I've worked so hard and I deserve a break while on this vacation.

And so I took a break.

Cake. Candy. Coke. Coke. Coke. Candy. Eating out. Fair food. Eating out. Ice Cream. Coke. Candy. Cookies. Snack food.

You get the idea.

I really let loose.

Like, seriously.

It's okay. I'm on vacation. I've made my goal. I can easily make it back up again when I get home.

And so this morning I weighed myself. My usual morning routine.

My. jaw. hit. the. floor.




Oh. my. goodness.

I totally didn't even want to tell you that weight. I wanted to lie. To fudge it a bit. What if I just said I gained a few pounds and left it at that?

But then there would be no accountability for what I've done.

Did I really just gain almost 15 pounds in 2 weeks?

Did I really just throw MONTHS of hard work out the window for a few (*ahem* many) guilty pleasures?

I feel dumb.

I want to cry.

I want to break my scale.

But instead, I woke up early this morning and worked out.

I have done it before and I'll do it again.

And so now I'm back for a bit.

Back to working out.

Back to watching what I eat.

And back to doing weekly weigh-ins on our little blog here.

Because it's what keeps me honest through the week- my dedication to honesty with all of you.

Here I go again...


Little Yancey Family said...

maintaining weight is almost as hard as losing it. Bugger. Sorry I didn't help ;)

Jake and Katie Schwabedissen said...

Go Sara!!! That takes a lot of courage to start a goal like that again. You're my hero! Good for you.
(Maybe tomorrow you'll discover it was all a fluke?? I'll cross my fingers for you.)