
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weekly Goals

Geez, it has been a long time since I posted on here.

Life has been crazy.  Temporary job.  Balancing kids and schedules.  Bronchitis.  Children with pneumonia.  And baby Schwab #3 on the way.

Baby #3 has been my biggest obstacle.  I am currently 24 weeks along and still experiencing some morning sickness.  Plus, I have a low placenta and have to be careful with my activities.  I don't feel like cooking at home.  I don't care about eating healthy (I typically just want what I want...and it isn't healthy).  I don't feel up to my doing my usual exercises (and shouldn't exercise too strenuously).

However, I have been watching the scale creep up, perhaps a little faster than it should, and I realize that I can't completely let myself go with this pregnancy.  I will definitely regret it later as it's not good for either the baby or me.  I am going to have to take control of something.

I have decided to start setting a few weekly goals for myself again.  And I am determined to do it here, in public, where I tend to be much more accountable than if I just make them to myself.

I know it's already halfway through this week, but I don't care.  I've got to start somewhere and now is always better than later when it comes to being healthy.

My goals for the rest of this week:

1. Drink no more than one soda per week.  I had tremendous success with "soda Saturdays" once before.  I have slowly edged into having more - especially since I have been eating out more.  It's just easier to order a soda.  Plus, I love there's that.  But I need to cut back, so one a week it is for me.  In my mind I am already counting down the hours till Saturday...

2. Eat only one portion-appropriate treat per day.  You would think this would be easy for me right now.  You see, my baby hates sugary things.  Anytime I eat something sugary, I pay for it by feeling sick for several hours.  Is this enough to stop me?  Nope.  My craving for sweets is so strong, I often tell myself it'll be okay, only to regret it later.  And yes, I do this more than once a day sometimes.  I am going to start by limiting myself to one small treat a day.

3. Eat appropriate serving sizes.  I keep telling myself that extra calories are needed to grow babies, so I allow myself to eat more and more all the time.  My goal this week is to keep an eye on serving sizes and not eat more than my body tells me it needs.

Wish me luck!  And please, feel free to set some goals for yourself and leave them in the comments (here or on Facebook).  I would love to have you join me!